Chapter 185: Pacifying the Three Mansions_2

This Lei Tongtian might be worth trying to see if the plan is feasible.'

Lu Yuan thought so in his heart.

After obtaining his promise, Lei Tongtian below was overjoyed and kowtowed several times, saying, "Please rest assured, General, I have long been fed up with the Five Poisons Sect.

The reason why I joined the bandits before was that I was forced to do so under duress.

Now that I have encountered the imperial army and been granted clemency by the general, I will devote myself wholeheartedly to serving the court and the general, not hesitating to die a hundred times!"

Lei Tongtian was full of gratitude and solemnly swore.

Lu Yuan listened to his words, just smiled, and did not respond much, only said, "Elder Lei can give up the dark and join the light, breaking with those rebels, which shows that he knows the current situation.

Elder Lei is the local guardian, so you must know where to ambush and where to attack at half-crossing.