Chapter 188: Governor's Prefecture South_3

As time went by, amidst the bustle, the sixth year of Hongdao, the tenth day of the fourth month arrived.

On this day,

In the spacious hall of Yangshan Prefecture's Yamen, Lu Yuan sat at the main seat above while nearly a hundred officials, according to their ranks, stood in line and saluted him.

"We pay our respects to General Pingxi!"

A neatly shouted greeting confirmed the master-servant relationship between them.

In the days following the news that officials from Shaoyang and Luyang's two prefectures were to be selected,

Within the South Sea Prefecture, it was rumored that the court intended to divide the land into fiefdoms and bestow the Jianghu Inborn Grandmasters with the title of sovereigns, and Pingxi General was one of them.

The news came as a surprise, making people question its source.

However, considering the court's moves in recent years and the fact that one Inborn Grandmaster after another had become the court's national teacher, it made them ponder deeply.