Chapter 208: Jinling Aristocratic Families_2

Yang Jing's expression was tinged with grief, his voice bitter and choking with emotion, "As it stands today, for the preservation of our nation, our family heritage, and our lives, we have no choice but to agree to his terms. We have to cede three provinces and hand this land over to him."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Ming was stunned, "These are three provinces..."

Yang Jing looked at him and retorted, "Yes, three provinces. However, if you refuse, are you ready for the ruin of our nation and destruction of our families?"

Faced with Yang Jing's gaze, Shangguan Ming lowered his head, falling silent.

He understood that between two evils, one must choose the lesser. This was indeed the only option left.

Yang Jing continued, "I plan to return to the capital to persuade other families to agree to this. But, I alone cannot accomplish this. So, I need your full support. We need to convince those who are against this, and carry this through."