Chapter 211: Two Countries Join Forces _2

Nowadays, countless scholars in both countries are greatly disappointed by this.

If the king issues a call for talents, the scholars of these two countries would be overjoyed upon hearing it, and would not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to join."

The main reason why Sun Siwen and Cui Changqing laughed at this was that the actions of the Nanhai Sect and the Nine River Sword Sect in recent times were too chaotic and unseemly.

Unlike Lu Yuan, who single-handedly established today's foundation without much restraint, being penniless and destitute.

The Nanhai Sect and the Nine River Sword Sect have been established for over a thousand years.

During this long period, the number of disciples in both sects has exceeded ten thousand, with countless interests and factions intertwined.

Now that both sects have turned into countries, Yan Wangqiu and Su Xuange have reaped the greatest benefits, becoming the royal family.