Chapter 235: Starting Well but Ending Poorly_2

Next to him, the Venerable Jihui said: "This is also inevitable; no one could have predicted that these two would flee without a fight due to their extreme cowardice."

Qiao Kangquan agreed: "It is indeed extremely difficult, even impossible, to stop an Inborn Grandmaster once they decide to flee."

Lu Yuan smiled, ignoring the implicit blame in Shangguan Ming's words, and asked: "I have spent two months on the surprise attack on Xichuan and have been out of touch with the outside world for a long time. What is the situation in Xiangyang now? I remember when I left, Zhou People's reinforcements were constantly coming, can the Wuan Marquis still hold on?"

For the United Army, the real main battlefield was in Xiangyang.

If they were defeated there, no matter how great Lu Yuan's victory in Hanzhong Prefecture and Xichuan, it would all be for nothing.

Once the Zhou army arrived, these two prefectures would be lost in an instant.