Chapter 242: Great Wedding and Reorganization of the Army_3

And a year has passed, and now all departments have been rectified.

Among them, after the Northern Expedition, there were more than 78,000 captured soldiers. 60,000 Miao soldiers, and finally more than 23,000 people left.

According to the decree of the king, these remaining and Miao soldiers, after weeding out the old and weak, the strong ones were retrained and formed into the kingdom's forbidden army, ultimately resulting in an army of 90,000 men.

The remaining 10,000 old and weak people were made into soldiers of the prefectures and counties, and distributed to each prefecture and county.

Of the 110,000 captured soldiers, the old and weak were also eliminated, leaving 90,000 who were retained as the forbidden army.

In this way, the forbidden army had a total of 180,000 men, divided into nine armies of 20,000 men each, known as the king's nine armies.

The remaining 20,000 captured soldiers were then made into soldiers of Xiangyang and Xichuan counties, each with 10,000 men.