Chapter 246: Severing Karma

Yue Country perished.

When Lu Yuan received the news, even though he had anticipated it in his heart, he still couldn't help being shocked for a long time.

How could a dynasty that had dominated Jiangnan for more than two hundred years just be gone like that?

The rise and fall in the world is truly lamentable.

However, after sighing with emotion for a while, he began to take action.

Since Yue Country had already perished, and it seemed that the newly established Ning Country, which had replaced it, had also survived its founding crisis.

Through a Northern Expedition, they repelled the Zhou people, completely drove away external threats, and stood firm in the troubled times.

In that case, the relationship between his Changsha State and the new Ning Country should be carefully considered.

"I am now cultivating the Way of Taiping, which is the Fortune Dao.