Chapter 248: Long-term Endeavors

"How dare that scoundrel offend me!"

In the city of Jinling, the newly enthroned Emperor Jianwu was filled with anger after receiving news of Southsea, Ninghai, and Changsha countries announcing their independence from the Ningguo Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

Li Xian, the Minister of the Ministry of War who was attending to him, hurriedly advised.

"Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down?"

Shen Qiu picked up the letter from the table and waved it angrily at Li Xian, "From the time of the previous Yue Dynasty, Lu Yuan, Yan Wangqiu, and Su Xuange have been plotting together, colluding with each other and forming a clique against the court.

Yet now, even when the previous Yue Dynasty has perished and a new dynasty has been established, these rebels are unwilling to submit and instead want to go further by breaking away from the court and declaring independence."

What do they think they are?

What do they think the court is?