Chapter 262: Envoy from the Wu Man - Part 2

"You also mentioned that there isn't much celestial spirit qi left in the Storage Spirit Jade, right?"

At this point, the Dao master sneered coldly, ridiculing: "Lu Yuan might think that he has escaped our control and does not need to cultivate the Taiping Dao Book. However, once he consumes all the inheritance from Sun Qingyi, he will know what it means to be in desperate agony from drowning."

And when a person is drowning, in order to survive, they will even latch onto a single straw.

Based on what you said, you witnessed him offering sacrifices to the Heavenly Pillars, right?

By that time, isn't the Heavenly Pillar, that can communicate with the celestial spirit qi of Heaven and Earth for his own cultivation, his life-saving straw?

But it is impossible to employ the Heavenly Pillars without cultivating the Taiping Dao Book.

Just wait and see.

It could be as short as eleven or twelve years or as long as fifty or sixty years.