Chapter 281: Hard to Fill the Hole_2

With these numbers of troops on both sides, it can be said that resisting the surprise attack from Nanzhao Country is extremely difficult, even precarious.

One carelessness,

Xichuan could face the risk of extinction, and Chu State could lose the crisis of the three prefectures of Xichuan.

Either of these is unacceptable to Chu State.

"I have already sent a message to Xiaoqing, asking him to draw a Forbidden Army from Xiangyang Prefecture to the west, and rush to rescue Xichuan Prefecture.

However, to move troops from Xiangyang Prefecture to Xichuan, even if they march as rapidly as possible, it will take at least twenty days. I hope that it will all be in time"

Lu Yuan tapped his fingertip on the table lightly, and his gaze was thoughtful with some worries.


Ever since Han Shun led the breakout, he sent a desperate message back, not waiting for Lu Yuan to make more arrangements, bad news kept coming one after another from Xichuan and Nanzhao.