Chapter 284: Condensing into One Qi_3

Lu Yuan's heart was filled with anticipation.

The current situation of the Nine Provinces' Immortal Cultivation World was clear.

Among the remaining cultivators, everyone was trying their best to absorb as much of the Immortal Spirit Qi left over between Heaven and Earth and above the Heavenly Vault as possible.

If I absorbed more, it would mean that in the future, you would have less Immortal Spirit Qi to absorb.

This was another kind of elimination and victory, and only those who have consumed the most Immortal Spirit Qi could cultivate to a higher level and enter the final stage—the Ascension realm.

According to Lu Yuan's prediction based on his extensive study of the Taoist Classics in recent years, to get the entry ticket to Ascension and enter the legendary Beiming Youdu that connects to the Immortal Realm, one must have at least the strength of condensing one's Qi.