Chapter 285: Yellow Turban Strongman - 3

Hence, this path is not feasible, and other alternatives must be sought. Use different spiritual objects to replace spirit beans.

Although using other spiritual objects as substitutes creates Yellow Turban Strongman with fixed forms and significant limitations from the beginning, and they cannot be transformed into spirit beans, making them difficult to store easily.

However, even so, creating a Yellow Turban Strongman with strength equivalent to the second stage of Breaking through Innate would be a tremendous boon for me and Chu State."

What is the most significant disadvantage for Chu State at present?

It's not the small territory.

Nowadays, Chu State, with four prefectures and twenty-five counties, ranks among the top twenty in the Nine Provinces in terms of territory size. It falls just behind the top Supreme Dominator countries and can be considered a first-class nation.

It's not due to a lack of people or wealth either.