Chapter 287 Arrange Xichuan

Silence, followed by more silence.

Within the spacious hall, Lu Yuan stared at the map raised high by Hui An, and his heart involuntarily pounded twice.

Are they really going for it?

Could Xichuan actually be planning to submit to us?

With these thoughts, a wave of surprise and disbelief swept over him.

"Messenger, please rise," he said.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath to suppress his excitement, watched the man rise to his feet, then spoke, "You say you represent the king of Xichuan and wish to submit to us. But there must be a reason for such action. I once went on a northern expedition with the king of Xichuan, and that's how he got where he is now, wresting land from Pre-Yue.

A land achieved through fierce battles, and now he gave up just like that.

I still have my doubts. Can you clear them for me?

Otherwise, unable to dispel this question, I will find it hard to simply accept the submission of the king of Xichuan."