Chapter 301: Reward and Trade

The spacious hall seemed rather silent.

Lu Yuan sat on the throne for a while, lost in thought, until a faint sound of footsteps approached gradually from afar, snapping him back to reality.

"Old Monk Jihui pays his respects to Your Majesty."

An elderly monk dressed in a yellow monk robe, draped in a red kasaya, entered the hall and immediately bowed respectfully to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan looked over.

He saw that Saint Jihui, compared to their meeting nine years ago, had aged significantly.

His eyebrows and beard were streaked with white, his face covered in wrinkles, and his figure hunched over. He looked like an old man who was on the verge of death, as if he would gasp for breath after taking just a few steps.

Admittedly, the monk before him was indeed an old man - he was 101 years old.

However, for an Inborn Grandmaster with a lifespan of 150 years, being 101 years old was far from the twilight of one's life; it was still considered the prime of life.