Chapter 303: The Battle Ceases and Resumes

After sending off the returning navy, Lu Yuan began to get busier in the following days.

As for the reconstruction of Xichuan County, he didn't need to think too much about it.

Now, with the newly appointed juren and jinshi officials from the imperial examination arriving at their posts one after another, the local government of Xichuan County, led by Prefect Shen Xin, rapidly resumed the local people's livelihood development.

However, by the time Lu Yuan had recovered the entire Xichuan County, it was already the end of June, and they had missed the spring plowing and summer planting season. This meant that in the second half of this year, the entire Xichuan County would not be able to be self-sufficient and meet its own grain consumption needs.

The millions of remaining people in the entire territory would need the assistance of the court to survive this difficult second half of the year.