Chapter 304: Negotiating Peace and Relocating Seals_3

These two enemies in different directions could each deploy hundreds of thousands of troops, both of which were formidable opponents for Zhou Country.

With so many enemies entangled, it was not easy for Zhou Country to fight Chu State with full force.

Of course, all of this was just speculation made by Lu Yuan based on the intelligence gathered from various parties.

Whether it was correct or not, he would have to lead the troops north and meet the Zhou People to find out.


When the messenger from Hanzhong had arrived crying and left excitedly, he quickly returned to Jianmenguan with the good news that Chu State was willing to send troops.

Shortly after his departure, on the tenth day of the ninth month, Lu Yuan officially inspected the troops outside Jinguan City, reviewing the various armies.

After leaving a newly-built forbidden army and county soldiers from Xichuan, a total of more than 40,000 people remained behind.