Chapter 309: Increasing Revenue and Reducing Expenditure_2


Seeing that all the ministers nodded in agreement, Lu Yuan nodded and did not say much about it. Instead, he continued: "At present, Chu State's local prefectures and counties, the central forbidden army, and the navy are all expanding their forces. As of now, the total number of troops in the entire country has reached 382,000."

For these many soldiers, their annual military expenses alone require more than 27 million silver tales.

If there are wars, it can even reach 30 million silver tales.

At the same time, the basic expenses of the local government offices and the central court also require about five million silver tales a year.

And there's the ongoing immigration project, which requires one to two million silver tales a year.

However, with the current fiscal revenue of the court, including the annual tribute of three million silver tales from Nanhai Country, it is only 23 million silver tales a year.