Chapter 311: Refining the Foundation_2

As for Brother Lu obtaining the jade piece, being able to smoothly unlock the Immortal Fate within it actually further proves that he is fated with this object.

It's better for the treasure to end up in the hands of one's own good friend rather than in the hands of unrelated people. It can also be considered that the treasure has not been lost to the outsiders.

Moreover, Brother Lu told me about the karmic cause and effect of Immortal Fate within it. The jade piece merely contains some records of our ancestor's life, a Five Thunder Immortal Technique, and the Immortal Spirit energy required to cultivate the Immortal Technique.

The remaining Immortal Spirit energy can only condense a Five Elements energy for those on the cultivation path.

Cultivating to this point would only give one a lifespan increase of two hundred years.

Though I may have lost this Immortal Fate now, Brother Lu has helped me breakthrough to the Inborn stage.