Chapter 313 Grain Prices and Famine_3

Well, after the price reduction, it's about ten wen per catty of rice, which is a third of the price of the grain in Southsea Country.

Although this price is lower than the international market price, it is still a huge profit for Chu State.

Now that the war has stopped, the previously skyrocketing rice price in Chu State has quickly dropped back to normal, from the original five wen per catty of rice to the current three wen per catty of rice.

Therefore, even if Chu State sells grain to Su State for only ten wen per catty of rice, it is still a pure profit of more than 200%, which can be described as a huge profit.

What Chu State had to do for this was to simply collect and allocate a batch of rice from within the country and then deliver it to the border of Su State. It didn't take much effort.