Chapter 325: The Unsolvable Situation

"Your Majesty is benevolent."

"With your help, our tens of millions of people in the Snowy Wilderness will finally be saved."

Hearing Lu Yuan's personal pledge, the five messengers below couldn't help but rejoice.

Some were so excited that they shed tears and prostrated themselves on the ground.

No wonder they were so emotional, as the help of Chu State was truly significant for these Snow Plains Nomads.

Lu Yuan's previous estimate was not wrong.

In these more than four years of war, the Snow Plains Nomads suffered tremendously.

However, the actual loss of soldiers and population was not as high as the outside world had presumed.

For example, Lu Yuan calculated the number of Snow Plains people who had been killed by the Zhou People and concluded that the Snow Plains people had lost more than 1.5 million soldiers, but in reality, it was not that much.

You have to know that in total, there are only about a million people in the four tribes of the Snow Plains.