Chapter 326: The Wind Eagle Battle Begins_2

Now, there are only 33 Wind Eagles left in the entire sect, ten of which have been distributed to tribes on the Snowy Plains. Excluding some juvenile eagles and the ones he uses himself, the Great Mohism can only give ten Wind Eagles to Lu Yuan at most.

Moreover, after sending the Wind Eagles, the Great Mohism will deduct 100 Divine Pills from the 500 originally promised to Lu Yuan.

Because they need to train ten more Wind Eagles, these 100 Divine Pills will be used as nourishment for the growth of the birds.

Naturally, Lu Yuan agreed without hesitation.

It's just 100 Divine Blood Elixirs.

With this amount of elixirs, even if he got his hands on them, he could only cultivate a few top-class experts at most. For the current Chu State, this wouldn't make much of a difference.

What Chu State lacks now are Inborn Grandmasters, not top-class experts.