Chapter 329: Unparalleled Famous General_3

The man truly possesses the strength equivalent to the second innate realm, capable of single-handedly slaying a grandmaster in the first innate realm.

Realizing this, He Basheng, who also had the combat power of the second innate realm but was at a disadvantage in this realm, decided to decisively retreat, giving up his competition with Lu Yuan.

It was from that time that the Zhou country officially recognized Lu Yuan's reputation as a renowned general. After being recognized by the Zhou country, the other countries of the world gradually accepted this fact.

After all, if Lu Yuan, who forced He Basheng, a renowned general, to retreat, wasn't a renowned general, then who was?

Therefore, to judge whether a person is a renowned general, there are two hard requirements.

One is that you are indeed good at warfare, and in your lifetime, you have annihilated over a million soldiers.