Chapter 334: Cooperation between Dao Country_2

Although this possibility may not necessarily happen, it's better to be prepared for a rainy day and take precautions as soon as possible.

'In order to be prepared, I must not neglect the cultivation of Immortal Techniques.

After the cultivators from the Nine Provinces depart, I must hasten to absorb the remaining Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth in time.

By then, if I can cultivate the Five Qi Towards Primordial, even if I truly face the catastrophe of the collapse of Heaven and Earth, I will still have the power to protect myself.

Also, I must visit the Beiming Youdu in the future if I have the chance.

If the Nine Provinces are truly beyond saving, then that place will be my only way out.'

Lu Yuan thought to himself.

Although he has achieved longevity, the "immortality" he achieved only means that he can live forever without the interference of external forces.

If external forces occur, such as the destruction of the world, he will still die when he should.