Chapter 337: Strategic Adjustment

By the end of October, fast horse couriers delivered a message from Hegu County. The Snowy Plains Barbarians had delivered the billion silver tales they had promised; the silver was already in Hegu County.

The county was currently dispatching 5,000 soldiers, personally overseen by the commander, to transport the funds overnight to Xichuan County.

Once in Xichuan County, a portion of the stationed forbidden army would transport the money along the Yangtze River with the help of the navy to Baling.

Upon receiving this news, Lu Yuan attached great importance to it.

Over the past few months, he had recruited five forbidden army units and 100,000 soldiers, spending three to four million silver tales in the initial phase alone.

Then he waged war against Hanzhong. The war was swift and didn't take much time, but it still cost an additional two million silver tales, and the rewards for victories amounted to over a million silver tales.