Chapter 342: The Jade Toad's Predicament_3

The size of the area a sect occupies indeed does affect the strength of a sect to some extent, but the increase is minuscule.

Perhaps occupying a whole state would only slightly increase a sect's strength, not affecting the overall situation.

The main reason is the spiritual energy that is fundamental for cultivators like us.

Fellow Daoist should know that for our generation of cultivators, in order to make progress in cultivation and break through realms, besides relying on our own comprehension and cultivation of Dao, the absorption of spiritual energy and transforming it into mana is of utmost importance, even the very foundation of the Immortal Method.

Without spiritual energy, there can be no cultivation of techniques.

Without cultivation of techniques, one cannot become immortal.

Therefore, the amount, purity, and quality of spiritual energy are what truly determine the foundation of a cultivator and even a sect's prosperity.