Chapter 347 Confrontation Timing_2

It was precisely because of this point that even though the Chu State's forces were ready and the food and fodder had been allocated, they could launch a Southern Expedition at any time.

Yet, with everything ready to go, he still did not order the attack.

He simply let the outside world churn with rumors, as various messages spread far and wide.

Chu State remained as immovable as a mountain, merely continuing to amass troops and supplies, readying itself to strike at any moment.

It must be said, this posture only made outsiders even more puzzled.

This hesitant yet poised stance bred endless speculation, leaving many bewildered as to what exactly Chu State intended to do.

The tens of thousands of Chu troops, poised but not deployed, also filled the neighboring countries with dread, fearing Chu was concocting some scheme, and thus, out of self-preservation, they were forced to gather their armies as well.

Song, Su, Southsea, Ning, Liang, Zhou, Dali, Nanzhao...