Chapter 356 The Overall Situation is Set

"Indeed, Xiaoqing has truly met my expectations, grasping the crux of the battle with extreme precision. Utilizing the advantage I've gained on the side of Jiangxia, we've smoothly taken down one prefecture of Xiangyang in Ning Country."

After Lu Yuan finished reading the battle report from the north of the Yangtze River, he couldn't help but nod in satisfaction and smile, "With this, the situation in the north of the Yangtze River is largely settled."

Now, if we don't count those hastily conscripted civilian workers with little combat power,

The military strength of Chu State in Xiangyang Prefecture, north of the Yangtze, is already double that of Ning Country.

At this moment, the only reason Ning Country can still barely hold on in the two prefectures north of the Yangtze is thanks to Yang Jing and another Inborn Grandmaster.