Chapter 356 The Overall Situation is Set_3


The fact proved that Lu Yuan's strategy of holding firm on the main battlefield was extremely correct.

In the secondary battlefield of Jiangbei Xiangyang Prefecture, Zhou Qing seized the opportunity for a breakthrough due to the influence of the main battlefield.

The other two fronts, already significantly advantageous in the Lingnan Battlefield, didn't require support from Lu Yuan's main forces to gain an enormous advantage right from the start.

On the 27th day of the ninth month in the tenth year of Shenwu, Qingyunzi led 160,000 Chu troops southward, attacking Southsea Country in Lingnan.

Since Southsea Country had decided to defend the capital, the other prefectures, having deployed a large number of their elite troops, became extremely vulnerable and were quickly conquered by the Chu army without much effort.

In just half a month, the Chu army spent their time marching and taking over the cities they encountered along the way.