"Why has he come?"
"Why are the troops of Taiping Dao here?"
These were the first thoughts that sprung to mind for Huang Yuanxiu and Yang Jihua when Lu Yuan and the Taiping Dao's troops arrived on the battlefield.
But immediately after, they realized there could only be one explanation for Taiping Dao's presence here: Changqing Mountain had fallen.
It was only after taking down Qing Immortal Sect's stronghold that Taiping Dao could spare the forces to come here.
However, the number of people Taiping Dao had brought seemed excessive.
Huang Yuanxiu and others tacitly stopped fighting after Lu Yuan entered the scene.
They then looked back to the east.
Nearly a hundred Immortal Vessels were seen, along with countless cultivators riding alongside, each controlling their own light streaks, serving as an escort.
Even a brief glance was enough to estimate that the personnel Taiping Dao had deployed this time numbered in the tens of thousands.