Chapter 12: The Bottom Run of Society

Gazing at the spell, Wang Zijia revealed an expression of delight. Indeed, with a value of one hundred points, the spell could be initiated directly.

His face full of joy, he set the weights afloat, slowly disappearing until only a golden balance shimmered in the sea of ​​consciousness, surrounded by rolling mist.

Originally planning to go out and try crafting, Wang Zijia looked at the lone balance, and his look changed.

As consciousness flickered, numerous light spot counterweights emerged, slowly piecing together in the air.

Cultivation: Innate

Cultivation Method: Hidden Shadow

Martial Arts: Dragon Short Knife Nineteen Slash

Spell: talisman paper making technique (Beginner 101/200)

Looking at his information panel composed of light point counterweights, Wang Zijia nodded, this was much clearer!

Although the panel was handwritten by him, it still allowed him to have a clear understanding of himself, right!

He exited the sea of ​​consciousness satisfied, then looked at the small box in front of him speechlessly.

It was only a few days after the transmigration, and the magic money was down to one piece, they've also used up the technique manuals. His father's decades of accumulation left only the "Wanyu Basic Cultivation Technique" that's worth something.

Well, the most valuable should be this cultivation technique.

In his thoughts, he collected it again, Wang Zijia carried the spiritual material box and left the room.

Arrived in the study room, he took out the items he received.

Actually, basic things like talisman paper making don't require any tools, and the spell can be directly applied to the spiritual material. However, beginners still need some aid.

So, he spent a piece of money and got a set.

It was just a delicate grinding jar, a mortar pestle, and a special material packaging box. The box was palm-sized, about a foot long, and divided into many small compartments, just like a paintbox.

After setting up the items, Wang Zijia took out a spiritual material, put it in the grinding jar, held the mortar pestle, and the innate true qi surged. The mortar pestle and grinding jar both flashed faintly with a spiritual light, and Wang Zijia started to process the spiritual material.

After he carefully ground it into powder, he poured it into a small compartment of the packaging box, immediately covered it to prevent the spiritual nature from dissipating, and then began to grind another type of spiritual material.

After a while, Wang Zijia carefully processed several types of spiritual material.

Then he stabilized his mind for a moment, it was just short of bathing and burning incense, after all, it was his first time casting a spell, and also the first time crafting. It was worthy of his attention.

After adjusting his status to the best, Wang Zijia exhaled, and the whole body's true qi began to flow according to the method of making talisman paper.

At this time, he opened the spiritual material packaging box, and as the true qi exhaled, with a summon, the powder of the medicines was attracted by the true qi and flew in front of him.

As many types of spiritual material powder intermingled, a large amount of true qi erupted, and even made ​​Wang Zijia a bit strained.

Driving the spell with true qi, indeed, was a bit strenuous. If he wanted to cultivate the spell, it would definitely be full of difficulties. But Wang Zijia had already entered the door of the spell, so there was not much impact.

As the true qi was consumed, after a long time, many spiritual materials were mixed together, and finally, a game card-sized, green card slowly formed.

"It's done!"

Looking at the talisman card that was successfully made for the first time, Wang Zijia had a full face of joy. After all, there was only a 40% chance. Of course, this was only theoretically speaking, not in the absolute sense. Good and bad conditions also had an impact.

After a while, Wang Zijia adjusted his condition again and began casting the spell again.

As true qi flowed, the spiritual material flew in front of him. When all the spiritual materials merged, the true qi ball suddenly began to become unstable.

"I'm in trouble!"


Just aware of something, Wang Zijia didn't wait to do anything, the spiritual material wrapped in true qi dispersed with a light sound.

Wang Zijia helplessly summoned, a heap of somewhat yellowing powder appeared on the desk.

He shook his head speechlessly and tried again.

After a while, he did it five times in a row and surprisingly succeeded three times, then he had to stop.

Nothing else, true qi was in a critical condition!

Using true qi to cast spells was indeed a bit hard. After all, martial artists cultivate essence, and the monks cultivate qi, so there is a qualitative difference between true qi and mana, which is not small. One hundred is like one.

He covered the spiritual material packaging box, entered tranquility and cultivated for about half an hour, ​​before he barely finished recovering.

Then, Wang Zijia began to craft again, and succeeded two more times until evening.

Wang Zijia looked at the five blank talisman cards in front of him, it was indeed an overachieving performance. He looked happy, if it goes on like this once the spell skill reaches a proficient level, he could start making money.

To fully implement the income-generating strategy!

Yes, if you want to make money from such basic things, you at least need to reach the proficient level.

Because ten pieces of spiritual material cost one piece of money, and five blank talisman papers are recycled for one piece of money, this is because he's backed by the sect. The talisman papers of a lone cultivator would be even lower in value when recycled.

As for the reason… the extreme prosperity of the cultivation world leads to everyone joining the intense competition.

Say one thing and everyone understands, understand Pinduoduo!

That is to say, blank talisman paper, even low-level talismans, and low-level magic soldiers, elixirs, etc., are all purposefully suppressed by the large sects.

However, this is not such a wonderful thing for the lower monks, the goods sold are indeed cheap, but the entire industry has been controlled by the major sects.

After all, a technique manual of the "Talisman Paper Making Technique" costs several hundred magic money. This investment alone is enough for a loose cultivator to work hard for decades.

It's like buying a house in a previous life!

And buying the technique, this investment is not yet complete. From the start of cultivation, through beginnership and up to being proficient, not to mention making a profit, there will be continuing losses.

It would not be until the technique was proficient that profits could start to be made, but it would be just a little profit.

Therefore, for low-level loose cultivators, if they don't have any related talents, a small clan may not be able to support a craftsman.

The result of this is that while goods are indeed cheap, the way to make a profit is hard. Gradually, human labor is not worth much!

Even if you barely become a craftsman, you can only make a small profit. Of course, the effect is completely different at a higher level.

The higher the level of a craftsman, the greater the profit margin.

This is even true for spiritual farmers, because although the demand for farming is not high, the price of low-grade spiritual materials that can be planted is also suppressed to very low levels.

Spiritual fields are hard to find!

This is the industry blockade, exploitation that is destined in extreme prosperity, no world would be an exception.

If you want to come to the fore, don't complain about the unfairness of the world, just go ahead, and when you look back, you'll find innumerable people working hard for you, and a host of elites helping you roll down.

In any world, there will be no exceptions, this is the basic survival rule of group animals.


After tidying up a bit, looking at the five blank talisman cards, Wang Zijia ultimately packed them away. He turned around to open the secret room, put the tools and talisman cards in the almost empty treasure chest, it was just enough to fill up a bit of savings.

"So the short-term goal is clear, we have to push our techniques to proficiency, even mastery. Then, find a small circle, or a flea market or something, start selling cards to make money. Raise funds to buy the boost pills, get the spiritual roots, and convert martial arts cultivation to Immortal Path cultivation!"

"At the same time, martial art cultivation cannot be left behind, after all it can be directly exchanged later. If it really doesn't work, I can only plan to cultivate martial art spiritual roots for thousands of years!"

Muttering to himself, Wang Zijia left the room and started working on various skills, including but not limited to, Taiji, broadcast gymnastics, fitness exercise, etc.

These days, besides working on his cultivation, he was also trying to see which skill could lift the silver weights fastest!


The next morning, when Wang Zijia came to work, a group of warehouse managers clustered together, surrounding him.

"Did the manager tell you that your cultivation is going well, and you're even starting to study talisman techniques?"

"You're something, you've silently become a monk!"

"You didn't inform us earlier, you've made us worry for half a year!"

"It's your dad who's impressive, he has not only prepared a cultivation method for you but also prepared talisman techniques for you."

"That's right, my goodness, a basic cultivation method costs seven hundred magic money, talisman technique four hundred, how much money is that altogether!"

"No wonder Old Wang used to work at the front hall, he lived so frugally. He's proper sect servant, yet he's more thrifty than any of us. He must have been determined that your kid has spiritual roots early on, so he tried to save up resources for you!"

"Should we start calling you Little Head Wang?"

"So, can you make talisman papers?"


A group of fellow miscellaneous duty colleagues, speaking all at once, were very enthusiastic.

Wang Zijia, with a shy expression on his face, after a moment, said: "It's just me fiddling around, and there's no shadow of anything."

"You're too modest, or you are fooling us. Having started studying talisman techniques, you must have some cultivation now." Xu Chenglin laughed and scolded Wang Zijia, then sighed:

"Ah, my son probably hasn't reached the stage of a lower grade spiritual root. I've been penny-pinching for so long, and it doesn't seem to have helped much. Fortunately, after discovering the spiritual root, I didn't immediately go to the sect for inspection. Otherwise, there wouldn't even be any possibilities of being admitted to the Miscellaneous Service Academy."

Most descendants of sect servants won't be sent directly to the sect for inspection. Because after the inspections, Wanyu sect only accepts disciples with fifth-grade lower spiritual roots or above. Pseudo spiritual roots and incomplete spiritual roots are simply not wanted.

But if your family provides the basic cultivation method, and supports you during cultivation, there's no need to check for spiritual roots, there can be some opportunities to enter the Miscellaneous Service Academy. It also makes it easy to take over from the older generation.

Because of Xu Chenglin's sigh, the originally warm atmosphere instantly became a bit cold. After all, to the crowd, this was a bit too Versailles. Many people's kids didn't even have any spiritual roots.

Xu Chenglin also noticed the cooling of the atmosphere, closed his mouth with a feeling inside, and said no more.

"Zijia, if you really make it in the future, and join the sect, don't forget about us mud-legs!" In the crowd, a warehouse miscellaneous duty worker, who was not very familiar with Wang Zijia, said so.

"Okay! Uncle Cheng!" Wang Zijia said shyly.

"Go, go, go, you're everywhere. Seeing a good thing you want to take an advantage, you have to have some shame!" Xu Chenglin waved him away.
