Chapter 14: Everything Is Normal with Me!

"What just happened?" Wang Zijia glanced around on the rooftop, only to see bursts of light flashing in the outskirts of West City, along with significant waves of spiritual energy.

"Whiz! "

At that moment, two streaks of light flew out from the city center, heading towards their destination.

"Are they flying? Monks above the level of 'Sacrificial Wine'?" Wang Zijia surprisingly asked.


Standing on the rooftop, feeling the fluctuations coming from West City, Wang Zijia hesitated for a moment. In the middle of the Innate True Qi fluctuations, he transformed into a dark shadow, jumped into the shadows of the street, and quickly headed towards the point of the incident.

The previous host had limited knowledge about the monks in this world, and he was no different. Under these circumstances, observing from afar, having a preliminary understanding of the power of the world's monks was very useful for his further actions.

Moreover, the place he was staying wasn't too far from the incident. Under Wang Zijia's quick advancement, he approached the incident scene in a short time.

Feeling almost there, Wang Zijia stopped within the range of three to five streets from the incident.

He looked around at the surrounding buildings, silently jumped onto a tall pavilion. Instead of climbing to the rooftop, cunning Wang Zijia jumped on the Pavilion, hiding in the shadows under the eaves. Only then did he look forward.

Apparently, the incident had been going on for quite some time now, and given it's a city of monks, there were a lot of people around. Many were engaged in the battle, openly or secretly observing it. Many rooftops and tops of the towers were filled with people.



When Wang Zijia shifted his gaze forward, trying to see what was happening at the incident site, he was rendered dumbfounded.

"Uh, what the hell is that?"

He saw the flicker of firelight in the distance, and in the middle of the various erupting spells, a monster stood rampaging around. It was about three meters high, with a half-naked upper body, black-red skin, a man's body, a sheep's head, and sheep's legs.

The most terrifying part was that there were numerous twisted human faces squirming on the monster's back, as if they were constantly wailing.

The monster's aura was extremely strong, and several teams of law enforcers on the ground were attacking it. Despite their efforts, they couldn't best it for a while, and quite a few enforcers were even trampled to death by its sheep's hooves.

Looking at this kind of monster, Wang Zijia was somewhat taken aback. Neither his predecessor nor he had ever seen such a thing.

"A demon? But it seems very wrong," said Wang Zijia, feeling a little creepy looking at the wailing faces on the back of the sheep-headed monster.

"Sinners, how dare you!"

While Wang Zijia was immersed in his thoughts, an angry rebuke resonated.

He saw that the human faces on the monster's back suddenly began to bulge, and a strange roar erupted from them.


The sound was extremely sharp, even Wang Zijia, who was far away, felt uncomfortable and stiff. One can only imagine the plight of the ones in the battle circle!

Among the attacking law enforcement team members, at least half of them were completely stunned, and most of the others were also dazed.

However, the monstrous figure did not stop, it raised its leg, and under the berating of a sky-high monk, it stomped on the ground.


A loud sound, accompanied by the spread of a shock wave, shook the earth. Among the law enforcement team members, some were directly blasted into a mess, some were cut in half at the waist, and some were coughing up blood and thrown out, with unknown fate.

The scene was extremely brutal.

'Goodness, is the real version of the war trample this fierce?'

Watching this scene, Wang Zijia couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. He knew that even the miscellaneous soldiers on this battlefield could probably kill him with one kick!

"You're courting death!"

With a furious roar, a female monk in the sky suddenly saw her spiritual light surge, and she threw out an object.

The object swelled as soon as it was released, instantly turning into an odd rope. The rope seemed to have its life, instantly entangling the sheep-headed monster.

"Brother Liu!" After entangling the monster, the female monk cried out with a flushed face.

"Fight!" Immediately after, a male monk in the sky slowly raised a sword above his head. As it rose, the long sword continued to grow in size, ultimately becoming a giant sword.

With the monk holding the giant sword, the mana in his entire body began to stir, followed by a harsh shout.


Swiftly, the giant sword hacked down.

The powerful giant sword, struck directly on the top of the goat-headed monster's head, seemingly intending to cleave it in half in one go.


But after a series of cracks, the giant sword stopped at the top of its head, or more accurately, it was stuck at the top.

"Liu Chengxin, are you flipping capable or not?!" The female monk controlling the ropes had already turned purple with rage, and between her roars, she swore!

"Damn, the bone is so hard?" The man holding the sword also became flushed, adding more and more force.

As the goat-headed monster's skull continually cracked, suddenly, a human face outline faintly appeared on the grotesque face of the goat!

"It's you who forced me to this, you bastards of the Wanyu Sect, let's go to hell together!"

The ghoulish goat suddenly spat out human words. Immediately afterward, the spiritual light all over its body soared rapidly.


"We're in trouble!"

"It's over!"


At this moment, whether it was those fighting or those watching, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Unfortunately, things developed too quickly; before everyone could do anything, the goat-headed monster's spiritual light exploded, rapidly swelling more than twice its size.


Accompanied by a shocking boom, the monster's body exploded just like a massively oversized steel ball grenade.

The massive shockwave destroyed an entire block where the battle was happening, leaving a large pit on the ground.

Moreover, the shattered corpse of the monster turned into streams of light, scattering and rushing in all directions like an electromagnetic cannon.

In an instant, the spectators were thrown into a frenzy.

Interestingly, the people hit by the streaming light didn't vomit blood or fly off, they merely fumbled around in panic.

Wang Zijia, who was almost on the edge of the spectating circle, was not spared either. A flurry of obsidian light, like a thunderbolt out of the blue, charged at him.

He had no time to do anything, instinctively raising his hand to block it.

But the moment the obsidian light touched him, it vanished without a trace, leaving him baffled for a moment. In contrast, the ongoing crowd plunged into chaos.

Wang Zijia had no time to pay attention to the battle. He hastily checked himself.

After patting himself up and down, his head was still there, his body was still there, his hands were still there, and the beautiful face in his palm seemed to be muttering something, as if singing 'Conquer'?

Well, everything was normal!

Looks like it was all a false alarm!

Almost immediately, Wang Zijia's tense body relaxed, but the ongoing battle in front did not end because of the explosion, it became even more chaotic, and all was in a flurry.

'There's nothing good to see now, better go back to sleep!'

Just as Wang Zijia thought this, he turned and left, disappearing into the streets. Compared to when he arrived, he almost blended into the shadow.


Halfway through, Wang Zijia suddenly stopped in his tracks, his nose twitching, and he said with a look of disgust: "It's the smell of a dog, and it's a black dog, I hate black dogs!"

Then, he directly jumped over the wall into the barking courtyard. A giant mature black dog in the courtyard was barking nonstop in his direction.

Upon seeing the opponent, Wang Zijia's body left a residual image. Even though the black dog barked threateningly, it was just an ordinary dog. Faced with Wang Zijia's full-force attack, it didn't even have time to react and was instantly killed.

"Hmm!" Wang Zijia stood still and let out an enchanting, light moan, a look of satisfaction on his face. Killing a dog felt like becoming an immortal.

"What, you're saying that dog meat is delicious?" Suddenly, Wang Zijia looked at his right hand. There on it was a twisted human face, silently screaming.

"Right, dog meat is delicious, I dislike black dogs, so I love eating dog meat!" Amidst Wang Zijia's hum, he indeed just bowed his head, disregarding the blood spraying from the black dog's neck, and took a bite.

Blood smeared all over his face!