Chapter 30 Bai Qian

Wang Zijia furrowed his brow and said, "It would be excellent if you could find the most unfortunate ones, those with disabilities, preferably ones who have been here for a long time."

Since he was trying to find someone to serve him, suffering was necessary to ignite a sense of empathy and gratitude.

"Eh!" The manager grew nervous upon hearing Wang Zijia's words.

"Hm? Is there a problem?" Wang Zijia looked at him with curiosity.

"Immortal Elder, if you are looking for someone to serve you, you could select anyone from our lot. After all, given a choice, who would willingly choose to be a mortal?" The manager hesitated, looking nervous as he cautiously added, "For other purposes, however, you might want to look in the Tooth Trade."

Wang Zijia raised his eyebrows in surprise. He looked at him, impressed by his courage to speak his mind even after recognizing Wang Zijia's true identity.