Chapter 40: Team Building Celebration?

"There's no rush, you're still young. Becoming a talisman master isn't something that happens quickly. As long as you can get your foot in the door, and make a couple of blank talisman papers, I can help you find a way to cram you into the Outer Sect's Talisman Court." Xiang Ji comforted.

'Hey, old man, I haven't decided to marry into your family yet, can you stop treating me like I am already part of your family!'

"Hmm!" Wang Zijia didn't pick up the topic, only acknowledging with a slight hmm.

Seeing Wang Zijia not taking the bait, Xiang Ji then said, "In six days, it's probably going to be shift change time. A few old fellas from the Pill Area and the Magic Soldier Area want to get together to celebrate. You should come along!"

'A traditional version of a department team-building, huh? These old folks really don't act their age!'

"Alright, manager!" Wang Zijia responded.