Chapter 59 Supplementary and Advanced Study


In that instant, a tremor passed through his whole body. His originally backsliding cultivation, surprisingly, automatically soared, and was restored to its perfection.

"Remember: Reveal nothing before it is called into service!"

Leaving behind these words of caution, Wang Zijia quietly exited the other's Chaotic Sea of Knowledge, allowing him to continue contemplating.

After a while, Du Kang came to his senses.

"So this is an enlightenment!" Feeling the clear and abundant mana within him, which was even more perfect than before, he couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his eyes. He said respectfully to the void, "This disciple respectfully bids Elder Li farewell, and I will definitely remember your teachings!"


Back in the cultivation room, Wang Zijia opened his eyes once more.

He did not rise immediately but spent a long time reviewing. After ensuring that there were no issues, Wang Zijia finally relaxed a bit.