Chapter 67: Unexpected Encounter

Early the next morning, under the gaze of Xiang Feifei, Wang Zijia took out a paper kite and flew towards the outskirts of the sect.

This paper kite was given to him a few days ago and could be considered his "work vehicle," brand new!

If he traveled at full speed, it could reach a speed of 100 to 200 yuan per hour. Although for flight, it was still merely drifting, it was not slow considering Wang Zijia's current cultivation level.

The location marked on the mission information wasn't far away. It was in the area where the surrounding families of Wanyu Sect resided. Strictly speaking, it was still within the sect.

However, because the Wanyu Sect covered such a large area, the total journey was not considered close.

Early in the morning, Wang Zijia was riding the paper kite at full speed. He paused once along the way, and it wasn't until nearly noon that he entirely left the area of Wanyu Sect and entered the territory belonging to the peripheral clans.