Chapter 70: Promotion

Once his plan was set, Wang Zijia no longer hesitated.

Molten Fireball (Beginner 300/600),

[Will you exchange 300 value to enhance Molten Fireball to proficiency?]


[Will you exchange 900 value to enhance Molten Fireball to minor accomplishment?]


[Will you exchange 1500 value to enhance Molten Fireball to great mastery?]


With the rapid expenditure of 2700 value, Molten Fireball was directly exchanged by Wang Zijia to great mastery.


In an instant, a roar resounded in Wang Zijia's mind, countless insights surged forth, lingering in his mind.

In a daze, he stood by a volcano crater, observing the churning magma day after day, reflecting on it daily. Until one day, a spiritual light appeared, and a strange rune flew out from the molten rock, blossoming with an odd light before him.

When Wang Zijia regained his senses, he found that in addition to the Rune Perception rune in the Dimension of Knowledge, there was another transparent rune.