Chapter 88 Monk, Dao Seed

At that moment, everyone was simultaneously attracted by a spiritual light.

In the sky full of talisman papers, a bright light suddenly shone from one, and beneath it in a coffin, a corpse's glow seemed to have a strange resonance with it.

In the pile of coffins, a disciple of the Funerary Preserving Vein who was performing a ritual immediately sensed it. With his mana pulsing, he raised his hand and gestured towards the glowing cluster.

As the glow fluctuated, runes began to move, flying towards the talisman paper in the sky.

The disciple who owned the talisman paper showed a joyful expression, immediately crafting talismans quickly, throwing them one after another into the glowing cluster.

At this time, the middle-aged scholar sensed something and waved his hand, causing several illusory books to fly down, integrating with the talisman papers into the glowing cluster.

The spiritual light surged, mana flowed.

After a moment, five secret books emerged.