Chapter 112: Is it really good to show off in front of the vein master?

Facing Xiang Liang's reprimand, Xiang Feifei lowered her head in defiant silence, while Wang Zijia found himself at a loss for words, eventually choosing not to speak at all.

"I had been wondering why your grandfather, furious as he was, didn't set things straight with the clan and instead let you mess around with loans. It seems you're dead set on this. Now, your great uncle has decided to grant you three thousand. Make sure you use it wisely!"

As he scolded, Xiang Liang once again glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Wang Zijia.

With that, he jumped onto his Paper Kite and left. Unlike before, when he used to greet Wang Zijia warmly and impart cultivation knowledge, this time he left without a word, seemingly bearing some resentment. He had clearly guessed where the resources would end up.

Presumably, he thought that Wang Zijia was disregarding Xiang Feifei's future for his own sake.