Chapter 166: The Extraordinarily Powerful Second Dao Foundation

A Thought Steel Seal?

My goodness, that's a bit abnormal!

But for a first-grade spell, I suppose there could be limitations in the erosion and control aspects of each aspect.

However, no matter what, if you use this technique as the basis for a magic system, once you've achieved the second-order method, you'll definitely be a big shot in manipulating minds.


Spell: Illusion Soul Talisman

Level: First-Class Advanced Level

Category: Fu Pulse

Introduction: Based on the talisman, build illusion techniques in one's heart, obscuring others' perception.

Note: This kind of illusion technique is difficult to apply, but once successful, it's hard for outsiders to detect, like adding a beauty filter when someone looks at you.

Wang Zijia looked at this spell, startled, is this the filter effect?

Has this become a forbidden technique?