Chapter 177: Drawing In [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

At that moment, a cloud of pitch-black ghost fog suddenly erupted beside her, enveloping her within it.

An energy shield flashed before her, rapidly spreading to cover her entire body. She shouted, "Liu..."

Before she could finish, a deep white ghost's claw reached out from inside the ghost fog.


The energy shield shattered at the touch of the ghost's claw. The ghost fog then invaded her body, leaving her rigid and fallen on the ground.


Her body made a light sound as it fell in the room.

Liu Chengyu looked at this scene with a chilling heart. He was now sure that Wang Zijia was at least at the sacrificial wine cultivation level. Either he'd sealed his cultivation when he was inside the Mysterious Domain, or he'd recently been promoted.

Considering his aura, it was likely that he went in after sealing his cultivation, given the unusual changes in the Mysterious Domain afterwards.
