Chapter 195: The Shameless Spy

"I've requested leave, what time are we leaving tomorrow?" Wang Zijia was slightly stunned for a moment, concealing his inner turmoil. He instinctively reached out, gently touching Xiang Feifei's hair, and deflected by saying.

"On you, just show up around noon, the rest of the time is up to you. Those who come are all good clans, there's no need to be too cautious, after all, it's your Dao seed celebration." Xiang Feifei regained her composure, her eyes still tinged with bewilderment as she said.


Chitchat, boxing, after dinner, they each returned to their own courtyards.


That night, Wang Zijia woke from his deep meditative state and checked the time.

He got up and moved to the courtyard. The Five Ghosts Talisman flew out, dispersing into a sky filled with ghostly fog.

Four ghosts, carrying an eerie bone throne, stepped out of the ghostly fog.