Chapter 197: Love Arises Without Reason

A lively commotion filled the air, eliminating any hint of awkwardness or formality.

"Come on, let's go into the courtyard! We're such a big family, no need to stand around here," Xiang Zhe cheerfully signaled to the crowd once he noticed the lively atmosphere.

Wang Zijia, leading Xiang Feifei by the arm, proceeded into the courtyard with the support of all the big shots present.

The large courtyard was filled with seats and the hustle and bustle remained. Although most present were cultivators, they had little status and were common residents of North District, thus, the atmosphere was still full of liveliness, reminiscent of mortal banquets.

Entering the lively courtyard, Xiang Zhe and Xiang Ji welcomed people at the front. Wang Zijia, along with Xiang Feifei and a group of clan elders, were following close behind, responding to congratulations from surrounding guests.