Chapter 204 Base Construction

Immediately following this, Wang Zijia's mana surged, and the bloody crystals quickly grew from both sides of the wall, covering the door entrance on the wall. Only when the red crystals on the wall receded and returned to their original state did Wang Zijia withdraw his hand.

"Next, I'm going to create a passage from the cultivation room and bedroom that leads directly to the underground space. Once complete, our base will be initially set up! It'll be perfect!"

Wang Zijia clapped his hands and left the basement.

"Did you finish work early again?" As soon as Wang Zijia left the room, he saw Xiang Feifei in the courtyard and asked.

Xiang Feifei looked at Wang Zijia, rolled her eyes unusually and said, "If I hadn't come back, I would have been surrounded by those looking for connections at Fu Tower."