Chapter 209: Taoist Fantasy

Looking at the information, Wang Zijia flipped his hand and took out the jade gourd, pouring out an Explosive Spirit Pill.

"Value +22!"

"Value +21!"


As Wang Zijia continued to take the pills, the value was being continuously converted. Once Wang Zijia finished all the pills in the gourd-type container.

He then drew out a wisp of vile alcohol breath, swallowed it, used the bloody weights as the equivalent, and transformed it into skill value.

"Value +8428!"

[Do you want to spend 1980 points of value to upgrade the Oath Symbol to Great Success?]


[Do you want to spend 2940 points of value to upgrade the Melting Crystal Earth Spirit Gun Technique to perfection?]


[Do you want to spend 2950 points of value to upgrade the Illusion Painting Spirit Art to perfection?]


[Do you want to spend 2950 points of value to upgrade the Smelt Crystal Ground Thorn Technique to perfection?]
