Chapter 214: The Powerful Dao Seed

"Well, Senior Brother Guo, we really are destined to meet again!" Wang Zijia revealed an awkward smile.

"Yeah, we sure are!" Guo Minglang also revealed a smile, followed by swiftly flipping his hands.

A surge of light flowed around Wang Zijia as he dashed towards Guo Minglang once more.

"Again?" A cold glint flashed through Guo Minglang's eyes as a spiral of spiritual light flowed around him. Suddenly, a talisman emerged. Shining with a golden light, a golden light shield completely enveloped him.

Surrounding vines too swayed, gathering towards him.

Unfortunately, after Wang Zijia flashed to his front, he did not, as he had in the previous few encounters, throw a molten fireball point-blank in the hope of creating distance for his escape.

Instead, he drew back his spear, treating it like a long spear, striking upward like a meteorite.

Guo Minglang was unfazed, a small shield shaped like a seashell appeared. Behind the golden light shield, another shield was set up.