Chapter 257 Five Cowards

After wrestling with his thoughts for quite a while, Wang Zijia eventually pushed them aside and glanced at the sky. It was already dusk, so he rose from his seat and left the room.

He was lodged in the best mansion in the market square, hence the courtyard was rather spacious and should rightly be called an estate. Its spiritual energy could even be said to almost rival that of Biyi Court.

Exiting the study room, he moved through several corridors until he reached the backyard.

"Have you finished with your affairs?" Xiang Feifei asked, looking at Wang Zijia with a gentle expression.

"Mmm, more or less." Wang Zijia nodded.

"Today at the banquet, I met with the Emperor again. He still wishes to meet you," Xiang Feifei said hesitantly.

Over these two months, she was often invited to the palace to chat and drink tea with the princesses and other palace women. Because of her age, she somewhat enjoyed these invitations and rarely declined them.