Chapter 260: The High-End Gathering in Tianhong Territory

While Wang Zijia was restoring Bai Qian's health, he unsealed her powers.

In a daze, Bai Qian had a long dream. She found herself in Hell, surrounded by blood-red mist and the roaring of numerous demons. As she grew more frightened, the demons lunged towards her, tearing at her.

It was extremely painful, but she gritted her teeth and endured it, because her master had said it was a test.

Bai Qian already felt useless, she couldn't let her master be disappointed again. What was a little bit of pain? She was willing to give even her life if needed.

Bai Qian gritted her teeth and constantly encouraged herself, fortifying her belief. Amid the biting and tugging of numerous demons, her belief grew stronger. It seemed as if, in her heart, her master was all that mattered.

She didn't know how much time had passed. When she started to feel dizzy, she felt her master's familiar and invincible power engulfing her.