Chapter 269: Stationed Location

Wang Zijia didn't have high hopes, after engaging with this man for the past several months, he felt he already knew his temperament. Unexpectedly hearing this, he was visibly taken aback.

"So, it's settled?" asked Wang Zijia, probing.

"Great!" Amidst Ma Haoran's hearty laughter, the conversation took another turn. He asked, "I heard that Junior Brother Wang is this year's grand competition champion and also has the authority to establish a sect?"

"Yes, I intend to use this privilege to set up a sect in Tianhong," Wang Zijia, aware of what Ma Haoran wanted to ask, responded directly.

The various branches of Wanyu Sect had been established for many years and already had a well-established system. Setting up a new branch was no longer just about building a new complex within the sect.