Chapter 274: Demon Bone Painted Skin

After completing these tasks, Wang Zijia finally turned his attention to the last silver balance weight.

Weights: Monster God Chapter·Demonic Bone Skin-Painting Art

Level: Second-Grade High-Level Technique

Value: 500

Effect: Take the skin of demonic beasts, apply the art of painted skin, refine it into leather instrument, cover it on a person's body, and obtain a certain amount of power.

Introduction: It was originally a part of a fourth-grade inheritance. Due to the death of a spiritual being, it split and only this technique was left behind. This technique can be supplemented with special methods to skin demonic beings. If worn by a spiritual root, the wearer can have the demonic being's power and even gain wisdom for a short period.

However, as the painted skin is worn for a long term, it will gradually erode the spiritual root. The higher the cultivation, the longer it can be maintained. However, once the skin is planted, the final outcome is already destined.