Chapter 286: Human Emperor, Earthly Immortal

"Alright, let's settle on Xiang Fei for now. You should also go and prepare. I foresee that Senior Brother Nong should wrap things up in about ten days. Try to finalize the affairs of the subordinate sect within half a month, before we set off for the return journey to the Sect. We can't have everyone waiting for us indefinitely." Wang Zijia instructed.

"Yes, disciple will go and take care of it now!" Having spoken, An Xingsheng did not leave immediately, but stole a glance at Wang Zijia, cautiously saying, "Martial Uncle, if we are really going to establish a sect and aim to gather a hundred thousand ordinary disciples, it might be best for you to meet with the old emperor."

Wang Zijia paused, immediately comprehending An Xingsheng's implied meaning.